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Summer Psychometric Internship

Providing students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and mentorship.

Summer Psychometric Internship

2023 Interns

headshot of Satanu Ghosh

Satanu Ghosh

University of New Hampshire
headshot of Shan Jiang

Shan Jiang

Baylor University
headshot of Kai North

Kai North

University of George Mason, Virginia
headshot of Onur Ramazan

Onur Ramazan

Washington State University

About the Internship

Summer internships provide opportunities for students, who are actively enrolled in a doctoral program in measurement, statistics, cognitive science, medical education, or a related field, to gain hands-on experience and learn from NBME staff. 

The eight-week program pairs aspiring leaders in assessment with seasoned NBME mentors to collaborate on a research project.

Statistics paragraph

Impact Statistics

Interns Since 2016
NBME Staff Mentors